"You never leave a place you really love. Part of it you take with you, leaving a part of yourself behind."

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Is this really happening?

After years of great Italian food, numerous viewings of Gladiator, a new fascination with gelato, and plenty of daydreaming in class it almost seems like this is too good to be true. Lord willing, I'm leaving for Italy on Sunday, May 22nd to study abroad at the Santa Chiara campus in Castilion Fiorentino in the Tuscan region. The first day that my mom and I visited Texas A&M, we made our way to the study abroad office to find out about any Italian trips they might offer. I saved some of my core cirriculum classes, started setting aside money and applying for scholarships.

In one week, I'll leave to pursue this dream and step foot into a gracious gift from the Father. In worship this morning, I closed my eyes and praised the Lord for all of the remarkable things that He has allowed me to set my eyes upon. Acacia trees in Africa, rice fields in China, and the joy of Texas A&M...I never cease to be thankful for the opportunities that my selfless parents allow their "baby girl" to enoy! I'm practicing my Italian in the car (with the help of a learner's CD). I think all of the Hastings employees got a kick out of watching me unload so many Italian movies, books, and CDs last night.

There will be sixty other students on the trip from A&M, including my dear friend Joy. We realize that this is not a self-titled mission trip, but Joy and I are so excited to get to be messengers of the Gospel to this new land. Please pray that we will have opportunities to be the hands and feet of Christ to the students traveling with us and all of the Italians we will meet, including the workers at the center.


Blogger Katherine said...

Danielle- I am so proud of you, girl! Your dream is fiunally coming true. I can't wait to hear about your adventures. Hopefully we will get to share some gelato in Rome! I love you!

1:43 AM


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