"You never leave a place you really love. Part of it you take with you, leaving a part of yourself behind."

Thursday, June 02, 2005

You Live, You Learn

There is actually very little to report, but we will be traveling for the next few days so I wanted to stay up to date. We leave for Florence in the morning where we will see Michelangelo's "The David" and tour the Academy Museum, set up by the Medicci family. Their contributions and dynasty in Florence helped preserve the city, art, and Italian culture as a whole. I know I may be a huge nerd, but I love sitting in class and learning. I guess I'm finally getting to study the things that I used to show strengths in instead of challenging Organic Chemistry and Anatomy. There has been something about Roman history, the Roman baths, the Etruscan ruins, and classical art and world views that just brings the small artist in me out.

We've had hours of classes for the past few days and I've spent most of my time reading outside in the courtyard. Yesterday, Joy and I went to Arezzo (a successful, adverterous trip) where we camped out at "Coffee O'Clock" (the American equivalent of a Starbucks). I left her there and went to see Sant Dominico. This church houses a famous crucifix painting and was done by the same architect that created Sant Maria Novella, which we will see tomorrow in Florence.

Today was an Italian holiday celebrating the Republic, so we spent the afternoon at the center going over traveling details. We met with the Italian kids who showed us around town and now I'm heading to dinner. This weekend, Lord willing, should be incredible. After Florence, we're going to hike Cinque Terra and enjoy the beaches. Praise the Lord for his goodness and presence.


Blogger Rachel said...

Hey sweet girl,

I miss you so, but I am sure you are more than enjoying italy. It is so great to read about everything you have been doing, we did so many of the same things. I am praying for you and thinking of you.

8:17 PM

Blogger D.O. said...

say girl! so this is D.O. and Jon, and we thought it necessary to let you know that we went and saw John and Millie the other night (they love you a ton). We also received a call this morning from Millie letting us know that she's got a little something for you, so we're going to go pick that up tonight. She was pumped about your gift. Also worth noting that we took a pic with them. They are beautiful people. oh, and I'm trying to get one of the girls on the University team to go hang out with her, so we'll see how that goes.

10:15 PM


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